• Main Image

    Twin Cities Men's Center - Minneapolis, Minnesota USA

  • TCMC Sunday Men's Brunch 2009

    Sunday Men's Brunch - 2009

  • TCMC Strategic Planning - 2016

    Strategic Planning - 2016

The Twin Cities Men's Center provides resources for men seeking to grow in body, mind, and spirit; and advocates for healthier family and community relationships.

Men Talk - April/May edition now online

Read the official newsletter of the Twin Cities Men's Center online edition. Men Talk, a regional, bi-monthly newsletter features a comprehensive Events Calendar of programs and schedule of support groups, informative articles, poetry, an occasional resource directory, book reviews and other information about special events and news covering men's groups in the Twin Cities. Men Talk has appeared in one form or another since 1977.

Thank You Jerry and Kathleen!

For 10 years Jerry Buchmeier and Kathleen McDowell co-facilitated the Sexual Trauma and Abuse Survivors Support Group at TCMC. Many adults have been sexually abused in childhood or adolescence, or have experienced sexual trauma as adults. This group provided a safe environment to share your experiences and learn about how others are coping with these issues. Join us in developing healthier attitudes and behaviors that transform us from survivors into living life to the fullest. Jerry and Kathleen recently retired from facilitating, and TCMC offers a hearty THANK YOU to both for their many years of services. We truly appreciate it!

The NakedMN Book Club invites TCMC members to attend
its April/MayMeetings

What are the benefits of being naked with other men? Better self-esteem, by accepting your body, Increased comfort/freedom of movement, Feeling a sense of community, with your brothers, in a safe, naked environment. (Bring a towel to sit on, and confirm your attendance to: geejay445@gmail.com )

Dates: April 25, 2025 and May 23, 2025
Time: Prompt arrival at 6:00 pm/ends promptly at 8:30 pm
Fee: $10.00 (to compensate the hosts for snacks, beverages)
Place: email to attend

In Memorium: David Giancristoforo, 1949-20244

TCMC is saddened to learn of the passing of long-time TCMC member, supporter and Anger Management Instructor, David Giancristoforo. David passed on December 29, 2024. Memorial services will be held in both Minneapolis and Baltimore. Announcements to follow. Inquiries can be made to email: duganpierre@gmail.com. David was a passionate man with very strong convictions and a huge heart. Where David went, he made an impression. We are certainly saddened knowing that David no longer walks among us. FFI: https://cremationsocietyofmn.com/tribute/details/80506/David-Giancristoforo/obituary.html

Fundraising and Contributions Help Needed

Attention TCMC members and supporters, the TCMC Fundraising and Contributions Committee can use your help.  If you have an interest or experience in Fundraising and are willing to volunteer some of your time; please contact Benjamin Alfaro, our Fundraising chair.

TCMC on the Amazon Smile program

The Twin Cities Men's Center is listed as a charitable organization on Amazon Smile. This means when any Amazon customer who registers with Amazon Smile and selects the Twin Cities Men's Center as their charitable organization of choice, 0.5% of any qualifying purchase will be donated to the Twin Cities Men's Center. You can sign up to help us out at < https://smile.amazon.com/>.

Men Help Other Men at the Twin Cities Men's Center.

Do you have ideas for a unique program, workshop, support group or other expertise to offer? Please let us know.