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Men's Center Men Facing Retirement Issues Drop-in Support Groups

At present (January, 2022), the Men Facing Retirement Issues Support Group is suspended awaiting a new facilitator to lead it.

Men Facing Retirement Issues Support Group
Open to Men Only

CURRENTLY ON HIATUS - This group is looking for a facilitator to lead it.

Begun in 2000 by men facing the transitions of adult life after paid employment, the Retirement Support Group is for men considering retirement or who have already retired.

Common feelings shared are: Fear of doing nothing, lacking meaning in life, unfettered joy with no more pressures of the daily grind, etc. As "elder" or "senior" men, we are exploring our usefulness within the communities we belong.

Other topics include regular exercise, meaningful volunteer activities, living at home with a partner who still works and/or shares household chores that must be renegotiated, etc. This group an opportunity to share feelings with other men about the importance of work and what happens when paid employment is no longer part of a man's life.

Group meets at
The Twin Cities Men's Center
3249 Hennepin Ave. So, Suite 55
Minneapolis, MN 55408 USA
Enter the north door on Hennepin Ave and go down one floor.

There is no payment required to attend TCMC groups. However, during the transition to online programs, TCMC has experienced an increased shortfall in revenue due the temporary closure of our facility and requests donations of $3 to $10 (or more) to help sustain our program expenses.

To make a contribution to TCMC online, please visit, or use Venmo by searching @twincitiesmenscenter in the app or by hovering your smart phone camera over the QR code below: