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Men's Center Men's Wellness Drop-in Support Groups

At present (January 2025), the Men Wellness Support Group is suspended awaiting a new meeting space in Hopkins.

Men's Wellness Support Group
Open to Men or anyone identifying as male

CURRENTLY ON HIATUS - This group is looking for a new meeting space in or near Hopkins, MN.

This drop-in, personal-growth group requires no pre-registration. Each week includes a check-in, gentle energy exercise, brief meditation, a short lesson and time for each man to share about his life. Group is led by Bill Baldwin M.Div. and Nationally Certified Health and Wellness Coach

Contact Group Facilitator via phone or text, 952-500-3393 or

There is no payment required to attend TCMC groups. However, during the transition to online programs, TCMC has experienced an increased shortfall in revenue due the temporary closure of our facility and requests donations of $3 to $10 (or more) to help sustain our program expenses.

To make a contribution to TCMC online, please visit, or use Venmo by searching @twincitiesmenscenter in the app or by hovering your smart phone camera over the QR code below: