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Men's Center Drop-in Support Groups

The General Men's Issues/Divorce/Uncoupling Support Groups are a combined (hybrid) in-person and online (Zoom) group. 

To attend online, click [Contact Group Facilitator] below. Your contact info will be emailed to the facilitator and they will send you information on how to attend using Zoom.

General Men's Issues / Relationship Issues Support Group
Open to Men Only

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Men attend to express feelings about the process of life's challenges and experiences, and what it means to be a man in our culture. Many men also share feelings, thoughts and opinions about general issues that interfere with healthy living, personal crisis, loss of meaning and men's health and wellness.

Men express feelings about separation, divorce, breaking up with a lover, and topics such as child custody/legal hassles, parental problems, financial woes, etc. and find men in the group who have been through similar life challenges and are always ready to listen and provide emotional support.

[download brochure]

[Contact Group Facilitator]

There is no payment required to attend TCMC groups. However, during the transition to online programs, TCMC has experienced an increased shortfall in revenue due the temporary closure of our facility and requests donations of $3 to $10 (or more) to help sustain our program expenses.

To make a contribution to TCMC online, please visit, or use Venmo by searching @twincitiesmenscenter in the app or by hovering your smart phone camera over the QR code below: