TCMC Anger Management Classes For Men:
• Men Helping Men with Anger Management (MHMWAM)
Our 25-year+ certified Level 2 anger management classes that have served over 2700 men—
The MHMWAM class is a comprehensive and thorough approach that analyzes nearly all typical situations in a man's life when he faces situations that cause him to feel anger: at home, at work, in friendships and love relationships; while driving, and with institutions: business transactions etc.
As such, men are able to learn practical responses that express their anger in ways respectful to other people.
• Moving Toward Empowerment (MTE)
A follow-up course that builds on the Men Helping Men With Anger Management (MHMWAM) class. MTE focuses on the subjects of toxic shame, personal empowerment, and developing healthy relationships. It also is a comprehensive and and thorough analytical approach.